
100 Years in Excelsior

A Directory of Old Boats

A Record of Old Boats

Classroom Voices

Eureka, Life in the Summer of 1939

Excelsior Amusement Park, Playland of the Twin Cities

Happenings Around Wayzata

Harry Wild Jones, American Architect

Hezekiah Brake - Excelsior Pioneer

Historic Excelsior

Historical Tour of the Westonka Area – 2015

History of Wayzata 1854-2004

Images of America: Lake Minnetonka

Lake Minnetonka - A Photographic Exploration

Lake Minnetonka's Historic Hotels

Mighty-Tonkas, A Collector's Guide (1963-1983) (CD)

Minnetrista Memories

Mound - Lake Minnetonka Historical Insights

Movies Come to Excelsior

Picturesque Deephaven

Picturesque Minnetonka 1906 Tour Guide

Picturing Lake Minnetonka - A Postcard History

Postcards - Lake Minnetonka Historical Insights

Royal C. Moore, The Man Who Built the Streetcar Boats

Steamboats - Lake Minnetonka Historical Insights

Tales from Tonka

The Andrews Sisters

The History of Big Island Lake Minnetonka

The Trapper's Cabin of Wayzata

Yachting - Lake Minnetonka Historical Insights